MIT-Zaragoza African Supply Chain Professional Scholarships 2024-25 at Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain

MIT-Zaragoza African Supply Chain Professional Scholarships 2024-25 Apply for Zaragoza Logistics Center offers scholarships through its self-funded MIT Zaragoza Scholarship Program. MIT-Zaragoza African Supply Chain Professional Scholarships available for admitted students for the academic year 2024-25 at

Zaragoza Logistics Center came in to the light since 2003 in the heart of PLAZA, the largest logistics park in the southwest of Europe with the help of the government of the Aragon in Spain as a research insitute, Zaragoza Logistics Center was hand in hand  with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Zaragoza, the mission of the  Zaragoza Logistics Center is to make an international center for research and education in the logistics and make SCM participate actively with industry. Zaragoza Logistics Center as a public sector it develops and circulate the knowledge, every year the ZLC offers a number of scholarships to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering students  in Logistics  and supply the chain management (ZLOG) program, ZLOG scholarships is for the candidates of the Africa who can fulfill the leadership and professional success within the the area of the Logistics supply chain management

Course Level
Zaragoza Logistics Center are offered to the students who are willing to pursue the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program

Level of study
The candidates of the Africa who are applying for the Zaragoza Logistics Center Scholarships  can pursue the course within the region of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Number Of Awards
The awards that are offering fir the African candidates to take the scholarships in Spain will be known soon to the applicants

Value of the Award
Zaragoza Logistics Center offers the awards based on the candidates academic achievements and distinctive personal accomplishment and also based in the candidates interest in undertaking the Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply the chain management, the candidates who have scored the average grade of 6-7.9 the candidate will be offering the coverage of €6,000 reduction in tuition fee,  the average grade of 8 – 8.9 the candidate will be offering the coverage of €12,000 reduction in tuition fee,  the average grade of 9-10  the candidate will be offering the coverage of €24,000 reduction in tuition fee, the candidates are pleased to inform that the ZLC scholarship will not offer any administrative fee or living or travel allowances to the Zaragoza or Boston for an international exchange

The candidates who are citizens of the Africa can take Zaragoza Logistics Center scholarship in the Spain

Eligibility Criteria for MIT-Zaragoza African Supply Chain Professional Scholarships

To apply the scholarship the candidate should be an African resident, granted admission to thed MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program, must be a holder if 4 year undergraduate program equivalent to the Bachelor’s degree, must have a good academic performance and experience in the logistics and supply chain management of with the professional background, Competitive GRE or GMAT score, exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated strong professional and/or academic achievement in completing a college degree – including some quantitative training and evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language, fluency in English, competitive IELTS or TOEFL score – exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language. Furthermore, the ability to speak French is a plus.

Application Procedure

The candidates who are willing to take part in the scholarship should submit copy of  the following documents by email tO the ZLC financial aid office

  1. Application form which should include the statement if the economicask background, reasons for Appling the scholarship, interests, abilities, etc
  2. Income Statement copy of the current employment contract, the most recent pay slip or other official document that can account for the last salary received
  3. Copy of Passport
  4. Resume
  5. Copy of the acceptance letter to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program

All interested applicants should apply directly through the ZLC Financial Aid Office:
E-mail: · Phone: (+34) 976 077 615 , Edificio Náyade, 5 · C/ Bari 55, PLAZA 50197 Zaragoza, Spain

The closing date of the ZLC scholarship for the academic year 2024  is April 18th, for more information visit the official website at

*Disclaimer: Above published information is only for reference purposes, We have published the Scholarship Information Based on the Previous year's Announcements. To get the Latest & Official Scholarship updates along with the details please visit the official Website of the Scheme, and we are not responsible for any changes to the scheme, we strictly advised to confirm the official details from the official website of Scholarship and we are not official.