CIMO Fellowship 2024 International Doctoral Students in Finland

CIMO Fellowships 2024-25 programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields, eligible students can apply for the CIMO Fellowship Doctoral Students in Finland at

CIMO Fellowships Programme sponsoring Fellowships to young doctoral students from Russia, China, India, Chile, Brazil and North America students who wish to pursue their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university, Master’s level studies or post-doctoral studies/research are not supported in the programme, Applicants who are eligible and qualified for the doctoral courses at Finnish University can get scholarship details and program Schedule apply to the required details.

CIMO Fellowship 2024-25 Details

Selected fellows will receive monthly allowance Fellowship award of 1500 euros, the Fellowship period may vary from 3 to 12 months, the Fellowship covers living expenses in Finland for a single person, No additional allowance for housing is paid, expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by the programme.

Eligibility Criteria for CIMO Fellowship to International Doctoral Students 2024-25

Fellowship is open to International students from emphasis is given to applicants from Russia, China, India, Chile, Brazil and North America are eligible to CIMO Fellowship, Applicant should hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) then usually they are eligible to apply for doctoral studies in Finland, Applicants who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Supporting Documents

  • A motivation letter from the applicant (the hosting university), max 1 page
  • Complete CV of the scholarship candidate
  • Research plan (3-5 pages)

Application Process of CIMO Fellowship 2024-25

Download Application form through official website at, Two printed and signed copies of the application with required attachments should be submitted to the following address, please mark the envelope with “CIMO Fellowships”.

Contact Address
Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI),
PO Box 380, 00531 Helsinki.

Application Deadline: Expected
There are no annual application deadlines in the CIMO Fellowship programme, Applications will be considered at all times throughout year. However, applications should be submitted at least 5 months before the intended scholarship period, decisions will be made within approximately 3 months after receipt of application.

*Disclaimer: Above published information is only for reference purposes, We have published the Scholarship Information Based on the Previous year's Announcements. To get the Latest & Official Scholarship updates along with the details please visit the official Website of the Scheme, and we are not responsible for any changes to the scheme, we strictly advised to confirm the official details from the official website of Scholarship and we are not official.