Bank of England aims to attract and motivate the best individuals towards open administration under the African Caribbean scholarship program, interested candidates can apply before the deadline at…
The Bank of England in collaboration with Windsor fellowship is offering undergraduate scholarships to students from black or mixed African or Caribbean background under a scholarship program to financially support them at the university, The Windsor Fellowship (WF) is a unique charitable organization aimed to fulfill the objectives to improve educational attainment levels, strengthen community cohesion, and achieve greater equality of employment outcomes in African nations, this helps young people to navigate their pathways to educational and career success and become confident, active role model citizens for the future generation
Course offered
Bank of England is offering undergraduate or degree courses to the students who are in financial need.
Value of award
Selected candidates are offered a scholarship amount valued up to £30,000 to bolster living expenses in the middle of college degree, along with that it covers paid summer temporary positions, and Mentoring, guiding and bolster from a colleague
Eligibility Criteria for Bank of England African-Caribbean Scholarships 2024-25
To apply for the Bank of England African Caribbean scholarship the applicants must be eligible to work and study in the UK with all necessary requirements, students from a Black or Mixed African or Caribbean background are eligible to apply, along with that the candidates household income must be below £50,000, applicant must be planning to start their first full-time undergraduate degree in Autumn 2024
Target group
Candidates belonging to Black or Mixed African or Caribbean background are eligible to apply for scholarship.
Application procedure for Bank of England African-Caribbean Scholarships 2024-25
In order to apply for the scholarship, the candidate must submit proof of economic backwardness after the scrutiny of applications the candidates are invited to an Assessment and Development Center for Interview with Windsor Fellowship between March and April, the selected candidate’s list was released by the Bank of England after the last stage of evaluation.
Application deadline
Official deadline for online application submission for Bank of England African Caribbean program was closed that is on 22nd January 2022, so, candidates of interest can apply for following academic year 2024.
Official Website: